Travel Ban

DHS Issues Temporary Exception to COVID Requirements for Nonimmigrants Traveling from Ukraine

Effective February 15, 2022 through 11:59 pm ET March 1, 2022, the Department of Homeland Security has authorized the grant of National Interest Exceptions (NIEs) to Presidential Proclamation 10294, barring U.S. entry by nonimmigrants who are not fully vaccinated, for nonimmigrants traveling from Ukraine to accompany U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents.

The grant comes in light of the Department of State’s February 12, 2022 Level 4 Travel Advisory recommending that individuals in Ukraine depart immediately due to the escalating geopolitical tensions: “Given the rapidly deteriorating security situation in Ukraine, and the need to ensure that individuals traveling with U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents can safely depart the country,” Secretary Mayorkas “determined that a temporary exception” for certain nonimmigrants is warranted by the national interest.

To qualify, the noncitizen nonimmigrant must:

  • be traveling with a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident;

  • have been physically present in Ukraine as of February 10, 2022; and

  • possess valid travel documents allowing them to travel to the U.S.

Nonimmigrants granted entry under these provisions must:

  • attest to having made arrangements to receive a COVID-19 test within three to five days of arrival in the U.S.;

  • self-quarantine for seven days;

  • self-isolate in the event of a positive COVID-19 test or the development of COVID-19 symptoms; and

  • become fully vaccinated for COVID-19 within 60 days of arrival in the U.S., if intending to stay more than 60 days.

Update on Current COVID-19 Requirements for Travel to U.S.

As of January 26, 2022, all foreign nationals wishing to travel to the United States NEED to be fully vaccinated unless exempted.

If you are a foreign national (person who is not a U.S. Citizen, a U.S. legal permanent resident (Green card holders), or a U.S. national) wishing to enter the United States by air, land, or sea, you must be “fully vaccinated” with an approved COVID-19 vaccine in order to be able to travel to and enter the United States.

  • You must be prepared to show the appropriate vaccine documentation to the airline at an airport, or to a CBP Official at an airport, border crossing or seaport.

  • You must be considered to be “fully vaccinated.” This means:

    • 2 weeks (14 days) must have passed after your dose of an accepted single-dose vaccine;

    • 2 weeks (14 days) must have passed after your second dose of an accepted 2-dose series;

    • 2 weeks (14 days) must have passed after you received the full series of an accepted COVID-19 vaccine (not placebo) in a clinical trial; or

    • 2 weeks (14 days) must have passed after you received 2 doses of any “mix-and-match” combination of accepted COVID-19 vaccines administered at least 17 days apart.

  • Thus far, the United States has approved the following COVID vaccines for travel to the United States: Pfizer-Biotech, Moderna, Janssen/J&J, AstraZeneca, Covaxin, Covishield, BIBP/Sinopharm, Sinovac, and Novavax/Covovax.

  • You will not be able to travel to the United States by air, land, or sea if you are not “fully vaccinated” and you DO NOT meet one of the clearly delineated exemptions outlined on the CDC’s website. For more information regarding the exemptions to not being “fully vaccinated” and being able to travel to the United States, we encourage you to visit the CDC’s website at:

As of January 26, 2022, all travelers 2 years old or older need to get tested or show proof of recovery from COVID-19 before traveling to the United States by air.

While only foreign nationals (unless exempted) need to be “fully vaccinated” in order to enter the United States by air, land, or sea, as of December 6, 2021 there has been a change in the COVID testing requirements to enter the United States by air.

  • All U.S. citizens, U.S. legal permanent residents, U.S. nationals and foreign nationals who are 2 years old or older need to take a viral COVID-19 test within 1 day of their flight departure to the United States, and show their negative COVID test result to the airline before being allowed to board their flight to the United States.

  • In lieu of the negative COVID-19 test result, persons travelling to the United States by air can also show documentation of recovery from COVID-19 (i.e., your positive COVID-19 viral test result on a sample taken no more than 90 days before the flight’s departure from a foreign country and a letter from a licensed healthcare provider or a public health official stating that you were cleared to travel).

As of January 26, 2022, there are no COVID-19 related travel restrictions imposed on any nation.

The travel restrictions that the United States had imposed on eight Southern African nations (South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Eswatini, Namibia, Malawi and Mozambique) as a result of the Omicron variant, and which prevented foreign nationals from traveling to the United States if they had been in any of the above-listed countries within the previous 14 days prior to their travel to the United States, were lifted as of December 31, 2021.  

President Biden Revokes Southern Africa Travel Ban Effective December 31

President Joe Biden issued a presidential proclamation Tuesday revoking a November proclamation that enacted travel restrictions on eight southern African nations, including South Africa, as the Omicron variant began to spread.

The proclamation repeals the ban as of 12:01 a.m. ET on December 31.

"The travel restrictions imposed by that proclamation are no longer necessary to protect the public health," Biden said in the new proclamation.

Tuesday's proclamation noted that scientists have determined that people vaccinated against Covid-19 "are protected against severe disease and hospitalization from the Omicron variant." It also said that the variant is now in over 100 countries and is "prevalent" in the US, where cases have been rising for weeks.

New Proclamation Suspends Travel for Immigrants and Nonimmigrants from Seven African Countries

On November 26, 2021, just 18 days after prior COVID-related travel bans were lifted, the White House issued a Proclamation barring travel from the Republic of Botswana, the Kingdom of Eswatini, the Kingdom of Lesotho, the Republic of Malawi, the Republic of Mozambique, the Republic of Namibia, the Republic of South Africa, and the Republic of Zimbabwe, in response to a new variant of COVID-19 referred to as B.1.1.529 or the Omicron variant.

The Proclamation suspends entry into the United States, as immigrants or nonimmigrants, of noncitizens who were physically present within the Republic of Botswana, the Kingdom of Eswatini, the Kingdom of Lesotho, the Republic of Malawi, the Republic of Mozambique, the Republic of Namibia, the Republic of South Africa, and the Republic of Zimbabwe during the 14-day period preceding their entry or attempted entry into the United States. This proclamation is effective at 12:01 a.m. ET on Monday, November 29, 2021. This proclamation does not apply to persons aboard a flight scheduled to arrive in the United States that departed prior to 12:01 a.m. ET on November 29, 2021. The proclamation applies even to travelers that are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

The proclamation contains numerous exceptions, and does not apply to:

  • Lawful Permanent Residents (green card holders);

  • Nationals of the United States;

  • Noncitizens who are the spouse of a U.S. citizen or LPR;

  • Noncitizens who are the the parent or legal guardian or sibling of a U.S. citizen or LPR child;

  • Noncitizens who are the child, foster child, or ward of a U.S. citizen or LPR, or a prospective adoptee seeking entry under the IR-4 or IH-4 classifications;

  • Noncitizens traveling at the invitation of the United States Government for a purpose related to containment or mitigation of the virus;

  • Noncitizens seeking entry pursuant to a C-1, D, or C-1/D nonimmigrant visa, or A-1, A-2, C-2, C-3 (as a foreign government official or immediate family member of an official), E-1 (as an employee of TECRO or TECO or the employee’s immediate family members), G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4, NATO-1 through NATO-4, or NATO-6;

  • Noncitizen members of the U.S. Armed Forces or who is a spouse or child of a member of the U.S. Armed Forces;

  • Noncitizens whose entry is authorized by he Secretary of State, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or their respective designees.

Further Details on President Biden's Proclamation Requiring Proof of Vaccination for Entry to the U.S.

On October 25, 2021, President Biden issued Presidential Proclamation 10294 rescinding the geographic COVID-19 travel bans and adopting COVID-19 vaccination requirements for all international air travelers to the United States. It will be effective at 12:01 AM on November 8, 2021, which means that it applies to air passengers on planes that depart from their foreign destination at or after 12:01 AM Eastern Time on November 8.

The Proclamation governs the entry into the United States of nonimmigrants (those seeking temporary admission to the U.S.) traveling to the United States by air. With limited exceptions, it suspends entry of noncitizen nonimmigrants who are not vaccinated and requires those individuals seeking an exception to follow health and safety requirements determined by the Director of the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

The White House and agencies such as the Department of State and the CDC have issued additional guidance concerning the implementation of the new travel requirements.

Rescission of COVID-19 Geographic Travel Restrictions

The first section of the Proclamation rescinds the geographic COVID-19 travel bans that restricted travel for those from China (PP 9984), Iran (PP 9992), the Schengen Area, UK and Ireland, Brazil, South Africa (PP 10143), and India (PP 10199) at 12:01 AM ET on November 8, 2021.

Section 4(d) orders the Secretaries of State, Transportation, and Homeland Security to review regulations, orders, guidance, policies, and agency actions developed pursuant to these proclamations and to consider revising or revoking them, in line with the new proclamation and requirements.

Coverage and Requirements

The Proclamation suspends the entry into the United States via air travel of noncitizen, nonimmigrants who are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19, with certain exceptions. It notably does not suspend visa issuance for those whose travel is suspended. Travelers will be required to be fully vaccinated and provide proof of that vaccination before boarding a plane to the United States.

Per a White House Fact Sheet issued on October 25, 2021, passengers will need to provide proof of vaccination to airlines who will:

  • Match the name and date of birth to the information on the vaccination documentation.

  • Determine that the record was, in fact, issued by an official source (public health agency, government agency, or authorized vaccine provider) within the country it was given.

  • Review the information to determine if the vaccination meets the CDC's definition of full vaccination, including being approved or authorized by the FDA or included on the WHO list of emergency use vaccines.

  • The received dosage, relevant dates of administration, and the location of the vaccination will also be reviewed.

In its Technical Instructions, the CDC has identified three documentation categories considered acceptable proof of COVID-19 vaccination, which require varying review processes by the airlines:

  • Verifiable digital or paper records: This includes, but is not limited to, examples such as vaccination certificates or digital passes accessible via QR code (such as the UK NHS COVID Pass and the European Union Digital COVID Certificate)

  • Non-verifiable paper records: A paper vaccination record or a COVID-19 vaccination certificate issued by a national or subnational level or by an authorized vaccine provide (such as the CDC vaccination card).

  • Non-verifiable digital records: Digital photos of vaccination card or record, or a downloaded record or vaccination certificate from an official source (e.g., public health agency, government agency, or other authorized vaccine provider), or a record shown on a mobile phone app without a QR code.

Per the CDC Technical Instructions, airlines and other aircraft operators must be able to confirm proof of vaccination and review other required information. If documents are in a language other than English, check with the airline or aircraft provider before travel to determine whether a translation will be needed.

The CDC has confirmed that for purposes of travel to the United States, vaccines approved or authorized by the Food and Drug Administration or on the World Health Organization emergency use listed (EUL) vaccines will be accepted. The list of vaccines is available here and below.

  • Janssen/Johnson & Johnson (Single Dose)

  • Pfizer-BioNTech

  • Moderna

  • AstraZeneca

  • Covishield

  • BIBP/Sinopharm

  • Sinovac

Individuals will be considered fully vaccinated after two weeks of receipt of the last dose of a vaccine, the first dose of an approved single-dose vaccine, or any combination of two doses of an approved vaccine (mix and match). For more information on the "mix-and-match" combination see CDC guidance.

Exceptions to Vaccine Requirement

The Proclamation does not apply to United States citizens, lawful permanent residents, or those traveling on immigrant visas. Those applying for an immigrant visa abroad or who seek to adjust status from within the United States are required to receive, among other vaccinations, an authorized COVID-19 vaccination as of October 1, 2021.

In addition, Sections 2 and 3 of the Proclamation provide several exceptions to the vaccine requirement. Procedures to request these exceptions have been expanded upon by the CDC here.

  • Children: Children under the age of 18.

  • Clinical Trials: Those who have participated or are participating in clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccination, as determined by the CDC Director. The CDC has provided a list of qualifying vaccine candidates that meet this exception. See Table 3 here. Documentation of clinical trial participation is required.

  • Contraindications: Those for whom approved COVID-19 vaccination is medically contraindicated. A letter must be provided to the airline from a licensed physician documenting the contraindication before boarding. The letter should be signed and dated with official contact from the provider, clearly state the contraindication, and have identifiable personal information. Letters not in English may require translation.

  • Humanitarian and Emergency Exceptions: Those granted humanitarian or emergency exceptions by the Director of the CDC in limited circumstances for individuals who need to travel to the U.S. for their health and safety and are unable to complete the vaccine requirement before doing so. These individuals should contact the U.S. embassy or consular post nearest to their country providing relevant information about the request. The post will then transmit the information to CDC.

  • Limited Vaccine Availability: Citizens of a country with less than 10% of the population vaccinated with any available COVID-19 vaccine, who seek to enter the United States pursuant to a nonimmigrant visa, except for a B-1/B-2 visa. See below for additional information on this exception. A passport/proof of citizenship AND a valid nonimmigrant visa that is not a B-1/B-2 visa will need to be shown.

  • Members of the U.S. Armed Forces and their Spouses and Children: These individuals will need to show a U.S. military identification document, such as a military ID, Common Access Card, DEERS ID card, or other proof that the individual is a member or spouse/child of a member of the U.S. Armed Forces.

  • National Interest Exceptions: Those whose entry would be in the national interest, as determined by the Secretaries of State, Transportation, Homeland Security or their designees. These individuals will need to show an official U.S. government letter documenting approval of the exception. It is unclear if the current process for obtaining an NIE will continue.

    • While the Department of State has not issued information about the validity of existing NIEs in its FAQ, the U.S. Embassy in London noted in FAQ 7.6 that once Proclamation 10294 takes effect, "all travelers will need to meet new travel requirements regardless of any previous National Interest Exception they obtained." As such, it appears that previously issued NIEs will no longer be valid for purposes of the vaccination requirements.

  • Diplomats or Persons on Official Government Travel: Individuals seeking entry pursuant to the following visa classifications: A-1, A-2, C-2, C-3 (as a foreign government official or immediate family member of an official), E-1 (as an employee of TECRO or TECO or the employee's immediate family members), G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4, NATO-1 through NATO-4, or NATO-6 (or seeking to enter as a nonimmigrant in one of those NATO classifications). These individuals will need to travel with an official letter, such as a letter from the U.S. government or foreign government.

  • United Nations Travel: Individuals whose travel falls within the scope of section 11 of the UN Headquarters Agreement or who is traveling pursuant to United States legal obligation. If they have been invited to the United Nations, they will need a letter documenting the purpose for their travel.

  • Sea Crew Members: Individuals seeking entry as sea crew members traveling pursuant to C-1 and D visas, provided the crew member adheres to industry standards for the prevention of COVID-19. They must provide an official letter (paper or digital) from their employer indicating that their entry to the United States is required for the purpose of operating a vessel that will depart from a U.S. seaport.

  • Airline Crew Members: Individuals seeking entry to the United States as a crew member on official duty assigned by the airline or aircraft operator that involves operation of aircraft, or the positioning of crew not operating the aircraft, or are maintenance personnel or contractors whose travel purpose is for flight operation or the safety of the aircraft, are also exempt if they are operating under an air carrier’s or operator’s occupational health and safety program. To be exempt, they must provide an official letter (paper or digital) from their employer confirming the purpose of travel and that specifies that the crew member meets all other criteria to be considered not subject to the Presidential Proclamation and CDC’s Order as set forth above.

An individual may be required to attest to the exceptions before traveling to the United States, via an Excepted Covered Individual Attestation. Providing false or misleading information, including false test results or vaccination cards, may lead to criminal fines or imprisonment.

Please note:

  • There are no exceptions to the vaccine requirement for religious reasons or other moral convictions under the Presidential Proclamation and CDC's Order.

  • There are also no specific exceptions for individuals who have received a vaccine authorized by their country, that has not yet been approved or authorized by the FDA and WHO, except for diplomats.

Vaccination Requirements After Arrival

While the categories of persons above are excepted from the vaccination requirement, these individuals will be subject to more rigorous testing requirements, as well as a requirement that they be vaccinated against COVID-19 within 60 days of arriving in the United States. The Proclamation provides limited exceptions for the 60-day vaccination requirement:

  • Those whose intended stay is sufficiently brief.

  • Children whose vaccination would be inappropriate given their age.

  • Those who have participated or are participating in clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccination, as determined by the CDC Director.

  • Those for whom approved COVID-19 vaccination is medically contraindicated.

  • Those entering via the nonimmigrant visa categories for diplomats listed above, provided they have previously received a COVID-19 vaccine authorized or approved by their country of nationality.

  • It is determined that the COVID-19 vaccine is not warranted for the individual in question.

Other Required Protective Measures

Depending on the category of exception, the CDC has issued guidance indicating that excepted individuals may also be required to attest that they will:

  • Be tested with a COVID-19 viral test 3–5 days after arrival in the United States, unless they have documentation of having recovered from COVID-19 in the past 90 days;

  • Self-quarantine for a full 7 days, even if the post-arrival COVID-19 test result is negative unless they have documentation of having recovered from COVID-19 in the past 90 days; and

  • Self-isolate if the result of the post-arrival test is positive or if they develop COVID-19 symptoms.

The CDC recommends that all travelers follow the above steps, whether or not they are subject to the vaccine requirements or have been fully vaccinated.

In addition, a new contact tracing order issued by the CDC requires airlines to collect information for all inbound international travelers, including full name, phone number, email, and address where they can be reached in the United States. This information will be kept on hand and turned over to the CDC when requested for contact tracing purposes.

Countries with Low Vaccination Rates

As discussed in the Proclamation and confirmed via CDC guidance, individuals seeking entry with a nonimmigrant visa, other than B-1/B-2, who have a passport or proof of citizenship from a country where less than 10% of the population are vaccinated are eligible for an exception to vaccination requirements under the Proclamation. Please note that per CDC guidelines, this exception does not apply to an individual residing in a covered country but who is not a citizen of that country. A passport or other proof of citizenship for a covered country will be required to qualify.

The list of countries considered to have limited COVID-19 vaccine availability can be found here. It will be updated every three months.

Testing Requirements for Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Adults and Children

Per guidance issued after the issuance of the Proclamation, the United States is also amending testing requirements for all persons entering the country, whether the Proclamation covers them or not.

All vaccinated individuals, including American citizens, lawful permanent residents, and foreign nationals traveling to the United States on immigrant or nonimmigrant visas, will be required to produce a negative viral test (NAAT or PCR) result within three calendar days of travel to the United States, or before boarding the first flight in a series of connection to the United States. The example provided by the Department of State is as follows:

  • If a traveler is departing for the United States at 10 PM on January 19, they would have to present a negative test result for a test taken any time after 12:01 AM on January 16.

Unvaccinated travelers, whether U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, or those who qualify for an exception under the Proclamation, will be required to show documentation of a negative test taken within one day of travel to the United States.

Children between the ages of 2 and 17 will be required to take a pre-departure test. If the child is not fully vaccinated but traveling with a fully vaccinated adult, they can show proof of a negative viral test taken within three calendar days before departure, much like vaccinated adults. If they are traveling alone, they will be subject to the same testing requirements as unvaccinated adults.

Requirements for Land and Ferry Border Crossing

On October 29, 2021 the Department of Homeland Security announced a modification to Title 19 restrictions for travel via land POEs and ferry terminals. Effective November 8, 2021, non-citizen travelers who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and can provide documentary proof will be allowed to enter the United States for both essential and non-essential (tourism) travel via POEs and ferry terminals. Information is not yet available concerning the time of day this change will be in effect. Per a fact sheet released by DHS, non-citizen travelers should be prepared to provide:

  • Proof of COVID-19 vaccination (see CDC website); and

  • Verbally attest to their reason for travel and COVID-19 vaccination status during a border inspection.

Per a CBP FAQ document, similar to the vaccines accepted for air travel, CBP will require proof of full COVID-19 vaccination that is approved or authorized by the FDA, as well as vaccines listed as EUL for the WHO. Children under 18 years of age will be excepted from this requirement. U.S. citizens, LPRs and those traveling for essential reasons (see below) will also be exempt from this requirement.

Starting in January 2022, DHS will require all inbound foreign national travelers seeking to enter the United States to be fully vaccinated and provide proof of the vaccination, regardless of the reason for their travel. It is unclear what exceptions will be made available once this new requirement is in place.

While none of the CBP announcements gave a particular date for January 2022, on October 21, 2021 in two Federal Register notices concerning travel from Canada and Mexico, DHS extended Title 19 restrictions for non-essential travel, including exceptions for non-vaccinated foreign nationals on essential travel, through January 21, 2022.

Essential travel continues to be allowed for unvaccinated individuals and includes, but is not limited to:

  • U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents returning to the United States;

  • Individuals traveling for medical purposes (e.g., to receive medical treatment in the United States);

  • Individuals traveling to attend educational institutions;

  • Individuals traveling to conduct essential work in the United States;

  • Individuals traveling for emergency response and public health purposes;

  • Individuals engaged in lawful cross-border trade;

  • Individuals engaged in official government travel or diplomatic travel; and

  • Members of the U.S. Armed Forces and their children and/or spouses returning to the United States and individuals engaged in military-related travel or operations.

Impact on Individuals Seeking Humanitarian Protection

The proclamation states that it does not limit the ability of individuals to apply for asylum, refugee status, withholding of removal, or protection under the Convention Against Torture.


The proclamation will remain in effect until terminated by the president. The Secretary of Health and Human Services will, after no more than 60 days, and the final day of each calendar month after, recommend whether the Proclamation should be continued, modified, or terminated.

U.S. to Open Air Travel to Most Vaccinated Foreign Passengers

The United States plans to ease travel restrictions on all fully vaccinated foreign visitors starting in November, the White House said Monday, relaxing a patchwork of regional COVID-19 travel bans.

The new rules will require all foreign nationals arriving in the United States to show proof of being fully vaccinated, the White House Covid-19 response coordinator Jeff Zients said. He said the new rules would take effect in early November, a timeline that will give agencies and airlines "time to prepare." Zients said the White House would defer to the CDC on the definition of "fully vaccinated," including on which vaccines qualify. The Financial Times was first to report the news.

The lifting of blanket restrictions on travel to the United States from certain countries will come as welcome news to thousands of foreign nationals with families and employment in the United States who have had travel plans stymied almost the entire pandemic.

Fully vaccinated foreign nationals and American citizens returning to the United States from abroad will be required to take a pre-departure Covid-19 test within three days of their flight, and show proof of a negative result before boarding. Unvaccinated Americans returning to the US will be "subject to stricter testing requirements," Zients said, including a test within one day of departure and an additional test when they return.

Fully vaccinated passengers will not be subject to any quarantine mandates upon arrival in the US.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention plans to issue a contact tracing order requiring airlines to collect information from US-bound travelers, including a phone number and email address, to alert travelers of potential exposure. Airlines will be required to keep contact tracing information for 30 days.

If you have concerns about travel to the U.S. from abroad, please contact us.

BREAKING: Dep't of State Extends Validity of Exceptions for Travelers Subject to COVID-Related Presidential Proclamations

On July 6, 2021, the U.S. Department of State posted guidance on its website confirming that National Interest Exceptions (NIE) to the Geographic COVID-19 Travel Bans issued in the last 12 months are automatically extended for 12 months from the date of approval, and for multiple entries, as long as they are used for the purpose under which they were granted (for example, traveling to provide vital support or executive direction to critical infrastructure projects, entry as an F-1 student, etc.). The extension applies to NIEs for travelers subject to Presidential Proclamations 9984 (China), 9992 (Iran), 10143 (Schengen Area, U.K., Ireland, Brazil, and South Africa), and 10199 (India). More information on the Geographic COVID-19 Related Travel Bans can be found here.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) maintains independent authority from the Department of State, and CBP has not issued guidance as to whether CBP-issued NIEs will also be extended.

Admission to the U.S. remains at the discretion of CBP and issuance of a visa or approval of an NIE does not guarantee entry into the U.S.

If you have questions about international travel and the Geographic COVID-19 Related Travel Bans, contact one of our attorneys.

Updates: Travel Restrictions Due to Coronavirus and Travel Ban+; Plus Implementation of Public Charge Rule Mid-February (Feb. 3, 2020)

Responding to the Coronavirus Situation, United States Restricts Travel From China

U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Azar announced a ban on foreign nationals traveling from China and quarantines for U.S. citizens coming from China. The restrictions went into effect at 5:00 p.m. (EST) on Sunday, February 2.

  • Foreign nationals who have traveled in China within the last 14 days will be denied entry into the United States, with the exception of lawful permanent residents, immediate family members of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents, and certain others. Those not subject to the ban include:

    • U.S. lawful permanent residents;

    • The spouse of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident;

    • The parent/legal guardian of a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, if the U.S. citizen or permanent resident is unmarried and under 21;

    • The sibling of a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, provided that both are unmarried and under 21;

    • A child, foster child, or ward of a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, or who is a prospective adoptee seeking to enter the United States pursuant to the IR-4 or IH-4 visa classifications;

    • A foreign national traveling at the invitation of the United States Government for a purpose related to containment or mitigation of the virus;

    • Nonimmigrant crew members;

    • Foreign nationals seeking entry or transiting the U.S. under an A-1, A-2, C-2, C-3, G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4, NATO-1 through NATO-4, or NATO-6 visa;

    • Foreign nationals whose entry would not pose a significant risk of introducing, transmitting, or spreading the virus, as determined by the Centers for Disease Control;

    • Foreign nationals permitted entry by the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or their respective designees.

  • Any U.S. citizen or qualifying foreign national returning to the U.S. who has been in Hubei province in the 14 days prior to their entry will be subject to a mandatory quarantine of 14 days to ensure they have been provided proper medical care and health screening. Those subject to mandatory quarantines will be housed at U.S. military facilities.

  • Any U.S. citizen or qualifying foreign national returning to the U.S. who has been anywhere else in mainland China in the 14 days prior to their entry to the U.S. will undergo "proactive entry health screening at a select number of ports of entry," and up to 14 days of "monitored self-quarantine" to ensure they have not contracted the virus and do not pose a public health risk.

  • All flights from China to the U.S. as well as flights with passengers who have visited China will be channeled into eleven U.S. airports (see below).

  • Visa appointments are U.S. Consulates in China will be cancelled until further notice as of February 2, 2020. Foreign nationals with visa appointments or awaiting visa issuance from U.S. Consulates in China should check with the relevant consulate for the latest information on closures and consular operations.

Trump Administration Announces Expansion of Travel Ban to six additional countries

In a January 31, 2020, Presidential Proclamation, the Trump administration expanded its travel ban to place visa and entry restrictions on travelers from six additional countries.

What You Need to Know:

  • The six countries added to the existing travel ban are: Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Nigeria, Sudan, and Tanzania.

  • The expanded ban becomes effective at 12:01 a.m. (EST) on February 21, 2020.

  • The ban contains restrictions on immigrants but not on nonimmigrants, so it will not impact acquisition of nonimmigrant visas like F-1 student, J-1 exchange visitor, H-1B worker, etc., or of admission to the United States in those categories.

U.S. Supreme court authorizes dhs to implement 2019 public charge rule while litigation continues

On January 27, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court issued an order lifting a nationwide injunction and permitting the Trump Administration to implement its 2019 Final Rule Governing Inadmissibility on Grounds of Public Charge under INA 212(a)(4) (“Public Charge Rule”) while litigation continues. DHS remains enjoined from implementing the Public Charge Rule in Illinois, where a lower federal court has imposed a state-wide injunction.

  • USCIS announced that it will begin implementing the Public Charge Rule on February 24, 2020.

  • The Public Charge Rule will apply to applications and petitions postmarked (or submitted electronically) on or after February 24, 2020. For applications and petitions that are sent by commercial courier (e.g., UPS/FedEx/DHL), the postmark date is the date reflected on the courier receipt.

  • USCIS has clarified that it will not consider an individual’s application for, approval to receive, or receipt of certain non-cash public benefits before February 24, 2020, when deciding whether the foreign national is likely at any time to become a public charge under the Rule.

  • The Public Charge Rule impacts those filing Forms I-129, I-485, I-539, I-864, and I-864EZ. These updated forms must be used beginning February 24, 2020, otherwise applications and petitions using incorrect editions of the forms will be rejected.

As a reminder, the 2019 Public Charge Rule changes how USCIS officers will adjudicate applications for admission to the United States, extension of stay, change of status, and adjustment of status:

  • The term “public charge” will be redefined to mean a foreign national “who receives one or more designated public benefits for more than 12 months in the aggregate within any 36-month period (such that, for instance, receipt of two benefits in one month counts as two months).”

  • The term “public benefit” will be expanded to include non-cash benefits such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), most forms of Medicaid, and Section 8 Housing Assistance under the Housing Choice Voucher Program, among others.

  • Extension of stay or change of status applicants will be required to demonstrate that they have NOT received public benefits over the designated 12/36 month threshold since obtaining the nonimmigrant status they seek to extend or change.

  • Adjustment of status applicants subject to the public charge ground of inadmissibility (as determined on Form I-485) will be required to file a “Declaration of Self-Sufficiency” (Form I-944) with their adjustment of status applications to demonstrate that they are not likely to become a public charge. The applicants may also post a “public charge bond” in the amount of no less than $8,100 to help prove same.

Of course, if you or your employees have any questions about the above, contact us!

The information contained in website is provided for educational purposes only and not as part of an attorney-client relationship. It is not a substitute for legal advice.