President Trump Issues Proclamation Suspending Entry in F or J Status of Certain Students and Researchers from the People’s Republic of China (May 29, 2020)

President Trump issued a proclamation suspending entry as nonimmigrants of certain Students and Researchers from the People’s Republic of China.

This proclamation is effective at 12:00 p.m. EDT on June 1, 2020.

The proclamation suspends and limits entry to the U.S. in F Student or J Exchange Visitor status for nationals of China who:

  1. are outside the United States on the effective date of this proclamation;

  2. currently or previously receives(ed) funding from or is (was) employed by, studies(ed) at, or conducts(ed) research at or on behalf of

  3. an entity in the PRC that implements or supports the PRC’s “military-civil fusion strategy.”

The proclamation DOES NOT apply to students seeking undergraduate education. It also does not apply to lawful permanent residents; spouses of US citizens or lawful permanent residents; members of the US Armed Forces, or a spouse or child of a service members; certain diplomats; or those who field of study or research does not contribute to the PRC’s "military-civil fusion strategy,” would further important US objectives, or is in the US national interest, as determined by the Secretaries of State and Homeland Security.

In addition, the Secretary of State must consider whether to revoke the existing F or J visas of Chinese nationals currently in the US who meet criteria 2 and 3 above. If a visa is revoked, it does not impact the person’s current status within the US, but means they would be unable to return after international travel.

You can read the Proclamation here.

If you have questions about your case, please contact us.